James White is a Christian apologist from the United States who engages in public debates with Muslims on various issues pertaining to scripture, doctrine and history. In a video published on Youtube on 10 October 2019, titled "Has the Qurʾān Eternally Existed", White debates a Muslim apologist on the subject matter of the Qurʾān as the speech of Allāh (عز وجل) and the issue of its eternality. These debates are not new and did not appear in the modern era. Rather, they took place in the era of the Righteous Salaf when Christians saw opportunities to argue for their doctrines using the innovations and heresies of astray sects such as the Jahmites, Muʿtazilites, Kullābites, Ashʿarites and Māturīdites. These heresies arose on account of foreign influence from Hellenized Sabeans, Jews and Christians upon individuals who debated without being grounded in knowledge and without sound understanding of the Qurʾān. This series addresses this subject and removes the ambiguity and confusion regarding it. Series:Part 1, Part 2, Part 3